Flyye FRV Reassemble (Front)

25 03 2010

To put it back together again forget all the other parts, your just interested in the front. Turn it over so your looking at the back of it, insert the end of the cable back in the hole you pulled it out (for this description we pulled the bottom tab, but if you pulled the chest release tab your already part of the way there) of and thread it into the vest, try and keep it under the plate. Keep putting it in and go either left or right towards one of the holes at chest height either side of the vest. It’s recommended that you put it though to the opposite side of where you shoot from.


Make sure you re-seat the pull tab back into it’s velcro pocket.  Now feed the cable into the hydration type tube guide, pulling all the way though. Then feed into into the channel that runs over the top of the strap. Close the velcro pads on the shoulders, and that’s the front done.

Next we’ll connect up the front to the back.