Flyye FRV Reassemble Rear (Final phase)

25 03 2010

Now onto the final part. Put the back part of the vest infront of you, pull the flap up if it’s fallen down and locate the paracord loop stitched into the vest. This is the loop that threads though each of the grommets. Made sure that when you do, you thread it though the same hole either side so you don’t end up lop sided. As a guide the large external cummerbund should just sit inside the vest, but then it all depends on your waist size and/or build. Start with the inner (elastic) cummbund and thread the straps UNDER the flaps on the side. Then pull the paracord loop up though each hole. Do the same with the external cummerbund, but this time go OVER the flaps that the internal one has gone under. We recommend using the spare piece of paracord to loosly tie through the paracord loop at this stage to stop it going back though again.

Now that the side cummerbunds are attached we can slide the shoulder straps though. They go though then under the guides. Put your hand inside and pull them all the way down, then put the paracord loop though each one. The cable will come though with which ever side you decided on, this then gets thread through the loop stopping it being pulled back though the grommets. Finally feed the cable into the tube type slot, close the flap and re-attach the popper stud to secure it.